Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Tech Tip Thursday: Padlet

Ever need to gather all your students responses or ideas in one place? Need help putting a twist on your everyday activities? Padlet is a wonderful tool to help with that. This week's Tech Thursday is all about using Padlet in the classroom. I was first introduced to Padlet as a way to share learning experiences during my first Ed Tech Team GAFE Summit. I was sucked in from the moment I click on the shared link and starting sharing and reading about my colleagues experiences in the different sessions.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Self-Paced Learning with Schoology

Based on previous experiences with my advanced classes I felt a need to pre-test my students knowledge of solving equations. The assessment was short and to the point with 3 sections: one-step, two-step, and multi-step equations.  The results that followed weren't too shocking for myself. 8% of my students were ready for the next level which was solving equations with decimal and fractional coefficients. About 38% of may students were not ready for equations at all. The remaining 54% of my students fell somewhere in the middle. I did not want to hold students back but I also didn't want to leave students behind so Self-Paced Learning was born in my class to solve this problem that I was conflicted with. Without any researching I took off and started planning.