Friday, February 27, 2015

SURPRISE! I moved to Colorado...

As I was basking in the joy of the endless possibilities that this school year would bring, my husband received orders that would take us from Louisiana to Colorado. So with sadness in my heart I had to pack up and leave the most exciting school year ever.

Upon arriving in Colorado in September, I had an interview 2 days later. This was before we were settled, had a home, had our children enrolled in school or child care, before our belongings had arrived ad so on. I was blessed to be offered the position although I was nervous to take it, seeing that we had just arrived in the state. Reluctantly I accepted the English Language Development (ELD) math position. I would teach 6th, 7th, and 8th grade ELD math as well as a group of regular 7th grade math students. I viewed this as a learning opportunity and a chance to add another certification notch to my belt...

Let's see how this all works out. To be continued...

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