Thursday, June 26, 2014

A new adventure

I've been teaching middle school math since 2008 and I love it! I'm super excited about being offered an opportunity to implement the Careers in Technology class for the 2014-2015 school year. My principal picks up on my "creativity and knack for all things technology" so he's taking a chances on me. I was also chosen as the Math Teacher Leader and asked to design Individual Student Data Binders (ISDBs) for the upcoming school year all while being apart of the Teacher Instructional Leadership Training (TILT) Team. Whoa...Now that was a mouth full! Did I mention my 5 year old was accepted into the magnet program? All of these exciting opportunities and endless possibilities makes me more eager about the upcoming school year than ever. Stay tuned and join me on my journey as I decipher my new normal of teaching a whole new subject.

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