About Mrs. Welch

I am LaDonna. First, I'm a mother to 2 and wife to a Technical Sergeant of the U.S. Air Force. I am also a crafty middle school math teacher with a love for technology and a passion for fashion. I relocated to Colorado Springs Fall 2014 where I teach 7th grade math in a 1:1 iPad classroom with students who take the tablets home. I am very passionate about innovation in the classroom and giving the students a voice.

Prior to relocating to Colorado, I taught in Shreveport, LA for 6 years and 2 months. I had a 1:1 laptop classroom and a 1:1 iPad classroom in Louisiana. I received my BSE in Middle School at the University of Central Arkansas. I've been working on my Masters off and on for the past 5 years. I'm hoping to make completing my degree a priority beginning next summer.

In addition to teaching and taking care of my family, I have another blog with my close friend, Malonda and create resources on Teachers Pay Teachers. My resources range from Doodle Notes to Projects and everything in between.

Follow me @MrsWelchKnows, on Facebook @ Mrs. Welch Knows or Love Bug Boutique, and on Teachers Pay Teachers.

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