Sunday, December 31, 2017

My One Word for 2018

Last year I was inspired by Rachel of @historicalipad to set goals for 2017 and choose my one word that would inspire me for the new year. Last year my one word was consistency. With consistency I hoped to achieve my goals for 2017. So here I go again with my #oneword2018. My one word for the new year is GROWTH.  

Growth is the process of growing or increasing in size. There are several things in my life that will benefit from growth or that I would love to grow.

Top 5 Areas of Growth

5. I would love to increase my knowledge of educational technology and math strategies for secondary students. This is to not only benefit myself but to also benefit my students. I hope to begin working towards my Masters degree again. I began working towards a degree in educational leadership but now would like to focus more on technology since I am passionate about it.

4. I would like grow professionally. By that I mean to present more at different conferences, for my blog to grow, for my TpT Store to grow, and to make professional connections with other like minded educators. I also have Teacher Box, a new teacher subscription box, and will be planning the next secondary teachers digital conference soon.

3. I would like increase my habits of a healthy lifestyle. I will increase how often I meal prep and exercise. I plan to increase how often I make healthy choices. The more healthy choices I make the better I will feel overall.

2. I would like to experience growth mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well as focus more on self care. I would like to challenge myself mentally in different ways. I will strive to express my feelings more, do more acts of kindness, and give out more affirmations. I would like to begin journaling, reflecting, and focus to the positive. I plan to do my things for me and not feel guilty about it. I have become a new planner addict and I think that planning will help me in this area and reduce stress.

1. I would like to increase my family time and creating more memories. We live in Colorado and I would love to take advantage of this beautiful backdrop we have the privilege of calling home. We will travel more and do more things at home. We have already began collecting games since my kids would love to do a family game night.

Thanks for stopping by! Drop your one word for 2018 today and why that word is significant to you and the new year.

Until next time,

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